24/02/2013 0 comments


Here are some of my sketch sheets for the illustration brief. Some are literal interpretations of the word "trimmed" and others are created using the scamper method, combining two or more images.

23/02/2013 0 comments

Chip Kidd

I watched this last year and Chip Kidd is quite a character. I love his design for the book cover he talks about in the Tedtalk film, it is one of the typography pieces I chose as an example of work I like.


Illustration for "Trimmed"

From three concept ideas one was chosen, this will be the illustrative piece for my final assessment. I have a week to complete it and I am working on it at the moment. Here is what I've created so far.

20/02/2013 0 comments


The word I have been given to illustrate is "trimmed". I've made a mind map and illustrations of all the literal assocations and now I am begining to make combinations of the images. Here is one I have been working on tonight. I printed of three pictures and am arranging them in photoshop and illustrator to hopefully express the word "trimmed".


VisCom Week 1

Here are two of the pieces I chose as examples of styles of graphic design I like. This first one is by American graphic and poster artist Jason Munn. It is typographical and the font he uses is in contrast to the violent act that has just occured. It is a humorous piece and it made me laugh when I first saw it. His style is simple and clean and he screen prints most of his work. San Francisco's MOMA has some of his posters in their permanent collection.

This next piece is another poster. Icelandic graphic designer Siggi Eggertsson was commissioned by their national bank to create posters celebrating important holidays. He is noted for his bold geometric style and the piece below is a good example of this.
