
The Colour Purple

When I woke this morning I was thinking about the different shapes and sounds colours have. I've always thought of yellow as spiky and having a high pitched sound. I asked my husband what shape he thought yellow was and he said he didn't think it had a shape but if pushed he'd describe it as a thick liquid, slowly pouring. I said, "Are you thinking of custard?"  and he said, "Yes." 
Later, when I asked my daughter the same question, she replied without hesitation, "It's very pointy and it sounds like a bat screeching." Amazing! 

I had a quick look online about this topic and it seems my daughter and I are not alone. Here are some other colours I sketched and how I think they look. Blue is lovely and has a geometric
squarish shape and a breezy sound. 
Purple, I don't like very much. In fact, the colour purple has always made me feel a bit queasy, it even looks like vomit or an amoeba with it's pseudo pods constantly changing shape.  

Anyway, it's called synesthesia, here's a link.


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